Members are invited to take a look at the plans for the siting of a new club house and provide the Club House Project Team with comments.
- Club house built in existing location
- Club house built on squash courts site with squash courts re located to existing dump area
- Club house built on existing dump site on site of historic club house
- Club house built on croquet lawn, croquet lawn relocated to existing dump area
AGM report and resolution
Members are also invited to consider The Project Team Report to the AGM supporting the following Ordinary Resolution submitted by the Board and Club Manager to the AGM on 22nd September 2016:
‘To consider and approve progress and further work on the clubhouse project.’ (Item 6)
All members are warmly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on 22nd September and contribute to the discussion. Details of the meeting and the AGM papers can be viewed here.
In the meantime…
Please send any thoughts and observations to the Club Manager, Dez, at no later than 14th September.