Wine Tasting Evening – Friday 14 March 2025
The wine tasting evening in conjunction with Kenrick’s Wines in Sydenham is happening this Friday, so please come along – the more the merrier. The bar/clubhouse will open from 6.30pm with the tasting evening starting around 7.00pm in the clubhouse, and there will be some nibbles available to keep you going.
Tickets are still on sale at £15 per person. Please email me if you are interested and I’ll send you full details and how to book.
Club Teams
A new feature of the newsletter over the summer will be to provide results of all Club teams from the previous week. There will be twelve tennis teams participating in Kent & North Kent leagues plus, for the first time in several years, a squash team.
The Winter season is just coming to an end – congratulations to our Women’s 1, Men’s 4 and Men’s Veterans teams, who all won their respective divisions. The Women’s team face a play-off against Bromley LTC 2 for the Kent Division 3 title this weekend.
Club Manager Hours
I will be available at the Club the following hours this coming weekend: Friday from 0900-1800, Saturday 0900-1500, and Sunday 0900-1330. During these times you can obtain drinks & snacks from the bar, as well as balls & accessories, and hire the Slinger ball machine.
Dez Lewington
Club Manager
Contact –